sexta-feira, 20 de junho de 2014


Livro de poemas publicado no Canadá.
Fiz a arte da capa e as ilustrações.

2 comentários:

Stan disse...

Dear Cleber Pacheco,

First, allow my congratulations on your publication at Episteme this month. I, too, had some poems published there. It is an honor to share the space with you.

Second, please consider attending the Bridgewater International Poetry Festival. This will be a global gathering of poets in English to celebrate the gift of language. In the first week of advertising, we have had inquiries from three African nations as well as Canada. The festival will be held at Bridgewater College, in Bridgewater, Virginia, USA, January 15-18. More information can be found at the festival web site:

I regret I have no funding available to help distinguished travelers, but I strive to keep costs at a minimum for those who are able to attend.


Stan Galloway
Festival Organizer
Professor of English
Bridgewater College

cleber pacheco disse...

Thank you so much. Would like to be there.I'll try.